Friday, December 5, 2008

What I've Been Up To

Oh boy, so I've been super busy lately. I haven't had time to make videos, so one day I made a bunch of videos and I've been uploading lots to keep you guys busy.

I think I've uploaded about 4 this week alone.

I'm part of my High School's Ski/Snowboard team. We race and train all the time. dryland 3 times a week and then we go out on snow about once a week.

I've been really tired from doing this, and we had our first on snow training yesterday.
I did 2 backflips down the hill trying to ride switch and man am I sore.

I've also had a fever of about 100 degrees for the past 3 days and can't seem to shake it.

Hopefully I will get some more reptile videos up soon because I know the videos I've been uploading lately were non-reptile related. Those are just a lot easier to make because I don't have to edit them and wait about a week to build up clips. For reptile feedings, they take over a month to make because I have to save clips of my animals eating.

Anyways, I'm tired. I don't even think many people read this thing so I am wasting my time :P