Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Home Sick

Today, I was home sick yet again.
I have completely lost my voice. Not even a whisper comes out, its rediculous.
I'm excited for the reptile expo though, so I better hurry up and get better.
The other day I bought Kung Phooey for like $6 at Zellers.
I was pretty excited that they had movies for like $4-10.
I was planning on watching it, but my Dad was home. And his room has the DVD player ):
Yeah, my picture is of an army man. I took it like a month ago, I think it looks sick.
Once again, if anyone is reading this and they're going to the Mississauga Reptile Expo on Sunday, say hi if you see me (:
Last time like 5 people said they were looking for me, but I guess I was there at an odd time.
Anyways, hope to see people on Sunday.
- Rainey