Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shedding Time

Its shedding time here for my Tegu and Chameleon!
Chameleon sheds are sometimes annoying and can take up to 5 days to completely come off. These sheds come off in very tiny pieces and get scattered across the enclosure. A major cleaning time is needed after these guys shed!
As for Panzer, overnight he shed off large pieces of his side and back. With him though, he has some stuck sheds on the legs and toes. When there are stuck sheds on the toes, it is very important to get these off. Sometimes the reptile needs a little extra help.
What I do is give them a bath in warm water for about 20 minutes. Sometimes your reptile won't like a bath, but just let them run and play around in there for a while. They'll settle down.
Panzer is a very tame, calm reptile. It's easy dealing with him thankfully. He'll just go limp in my hand while I peel of the extra skin.